1. Where can I buy the game?
It's available on Steam now! If you're looking for a standalone version, check back soon for a DRM-free copy + Steam key from the Humble Store

2. What platforms are supported?
Slime Sports is currently available on Mac and PC.

3. What other platforms will be supported?
We're currently only targeting PC platforms. However, the game works great with a controller so we hope to have the game in console marketplaces soon.

4. What languages will be available?
English is currently the only supported language, but when the modkit is available the community will be able to add translations.

5. Can I mod the game?
The modkit is still in development. Moddable features on our radar include Translations, Bots, Powers, and Levels.

6. Can I play online?
LAN support is in progress. Check back soon for more details, or contact support@dribblegames.com for more info.

Still have questions? Get in touch!

If you to give feedback on the game, or have any questions not answered in the FAQ, reach out to
